Poultrybonkers adopt an egg hatch along



Free Ranging
Premium Feather Member
13 Years
Mar 22, 2011
My Coop
My Coop
So my eggs will be set prolly monday or tuedays depending on my last hatch those are due saturday so in a few days these will be getting set might add more
There is two rows of Ch if you want to adopt ones let me know what date thats on the egg. The date on the egg is when it was laid
There is a row or Lav and a row of Lac
Ch = Chocolate wyandottes
Lav = Lavender wyandottes
Lac = My laced/mottled project
Also will be setting pekin duck and Beablettes eggs those are green and the whites are duck if you want to adopt a duck there will be 6 still collecting those there is 4 right now two are double yolkers
There is also one egg labeled SS thats a speckled sussex egg
So there is 12 Ch
8 Lav
8 Lac
4 Beablettes
6 Duck
1 SS
So if anyone wants to adopt an egg I Will write your username on that egg. If no one wants to adopt an egg Im still setting regardless lol


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So theres a ch egg thats not dated I switched it for todays egg which is the third row second egg as im not sure how old that egg is as had some dated end of march so out that one went in replaced it with ch 4-14

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