prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

We will not be moved...Psalm 62

This morning fear crept in as I realize the shortages of so many "things" and all that is happening in this world.
He is our salvation...He is still in control
And come what may - we shall not be moved!
Oh Lord help us to keep our eyes on YOU and may our hearts truly know You more and more every day!
Amen! One thing we know for sure, this world is coming to an end, Jesus is coming for His people and we want to be found ready for Him! Oops, that's three things! In Him we have nothing to fear!
Nope! She’s my 4th niece and I have 2 nephews. So 6 nieces and nephews total, and one on the way. (please pray for that baby as well!)
Both our daughters just found out they are pregnant at the same time!!! And their last ones were born only 6 months apart!
We have 3 boys currently and 1 on the way is a girl...waiting to see if the other is too!
We will not be moved...Psalm 62

This morning fear crept in as I realize the shortages of so many "things" and all that is happening in this world.
He is our salvation...He is still in control
And come what may - we shall not be moved!
Oh Lord help us to keep our eyes on YOU and may our hearts truly know You more and more every day!
I did a small, illustrated ‘quote’ yesterday (it’s actually a quote that I came up with (I think) that I wrote down and drew on)

I’ve never felt like I truly belong anywhere. I’ve had some people I called friends, but they were more of my sisters friends than my own. I’ve been lonely, anxious, and afraid most of my life. I’ve had some struggles that have cut pretty deep for me.

Then, I’ve been blessed with my neighbor driving me to church. It’s been an incredible experience - I’ve learned to lean on God, trust, and pray constantly. And to make sure whatever I do is for him. And I’ve learned to trust other people too. At youth group, I was listening to the pastor talking about Psalm 116, and he was saying how God really hears those who cry out to him, he will give you triumph in trouble. And we should pray in trouble and praise in triumph. One of the questions that was interesting to think about was ‘Why do you love the Lord?’

Anyways, then we were talking about our trials, and I was reflecting on the traumatic things that have happened to me, and then on the hope and joy I’ve been given recently. I just let it out - I started to cry, tears streaming down my face. But unlike in the past, I didn’t shove it back down or hide it from others. Then 2 people (separately) came, sat down next to me, and asked if they could pray for me. And they did - and the tears kept coming. Not from the sorrow, but from belonging and having people surround me that care about me. And Gods amazing grace.

I had never thought I’d come out of my depression, my anxiety, my loneliness, but I have. Just a reminder, the times will seem very, very dark at times, but God is holding on to you. He is helping you, and has great plans further down the road.

A story I heard yesterday went something like this:

And I thought that was really touching. (I’m sure a lot of you have heard of that story though)

Anyways, that got a bit rambly (sorry). I just wanted to share that. I guess a bit of my ‘testimony’
I did a small, illustrated ‘quote’ yesterday (it’s actually a quote that I came up with (I think) that I wrote down and drew on)
View attachment 3238844
I’ve never felt like I truly belong anywhere. I’ve had some people I called friends, but they were more of my sisters friends than my own. I’ve been lonely, anxious, and afraid most of my life. I’ve had some struggles that have cut pretty deep for me.

Then, I’ve been blessed with my neighbor driving me to church. It’s been an incredible experience - I’ve learned to lean on God, trust, and pray constantly. And to make sure whatever I do is for him. And I’ve learned to trust other people too. At youth group, I was listening to the pastor talking about Psalm 116, and he was saying how God really hears those who cry out to him, he will give you triumph in trouble. And we should pray in trouble and praise in triumph. One of the questions that was interesting to think about was ‘Why do you love the Lord?’

Anyways, then we were talking about our trials, and I was reflecting on the traumatic things that have happened to me, and then on the hope and joy I’ve been given recently. I just let it out - I started to cry, tears streaming down my face. But unlike in the past, I didn’t shove it back down or hide it from others. Then 2 people (separately) came, sat down next to me, and asked if they could pray for me. And they did - and the tears kept coming. Not from the sorrow, but from belonging and having people surround me that care about me. And Gods amazing grace.

I had never thought I’d come out of my depression, my anxiety, my loneliness, but I have. Just a reminder, the times will seem very, very dark at times, but God is holding on to you. He is helping you, and has great plans further down the road.

A story I heard yesterday went something like this: View attachment 3238843
And I thought that was really touching. (I’m sure a lot of you have heard of that story though)

Anyways, that got a bit rambly (sorry). I just wanted to share that. I guess a bit of my ‘testimony’
God is too good to us!
Beautiful drawing!

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