prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

No matter the sorrow of the past, the difficulty of the present, or the uncertainty of the future... if we have Jesus, we got it all! And ultimately, there is no "if" when it comes to whether or not He's got us... He always has, and He always will!
Hello! As a christian i want to join! are there any more Christian fellowships on here?
:frow and welcome to Prayer Warriors! :hugs Yes there are other Christian threads but off the top of my head I can't think of them, sorry, I'm mostly only active in this one. Tbh, there is one that's supposed to be about Scripture, but ... (sorry, my opinion) it seems to be mostly about the wrath of God and how we're all going to hell. I quit going there.
❤️🙏❤️ Since school's back in session, I'm taking precautions against Covid again - handwashing, avoiding crowds, and masking if I can't avoid crowds. Never want to go through that again! And I'll never quite trust my immune system to protect me again, I'm high risk. Y'all get well soon!

❤️🙏❤️ and :hugs, Kiddo. Feel better soon!

if you want strong immune system spend at least 1-2 hours outside with dirt. you will pick up good bacteria that will help your immune system. then get in and wash your hands well.

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