prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Hello everyone,

I just came across this thread and am thrilled to find a large body of believers who share their faith, struggles and God's victories on BYC. I've trusted Jesus in 1988 and can whole heartedly testify that there is NO way I'd be where I am today with Him. I don't have a lavish life but I have exactly what I need and I've gone through some pretty tough times. I served in international missions for 12 years and have been incredibly blessed to see many many people come to Christ in lands were speaking the name of Jesus can lead to death.

Lord, even though this world around us is in chaos right now, You are not only fully aware of it, but you knew it would happen from the beginning of time. You created us so that each of us would be alive in these very days. I ask that you make us productive warriors for You during this turbulence. Strengthen us. Confirm for us that You are very near to our sides. Lead us in the way You want us to go. And thank you Lord; for every blessing, every chirping bird we hear, the food we are sustained with, the love of animals, the shelter you have provided, and most importantly for making such a clear and free pathway for us to once again approach the throne room of grace.

May you all have a blessed day with the Lord. Struggles and all.... He is there with you in joy, struggles and sorrow.
Um. It doesn't do any good for me to pray for you, if you're not willing to do the right thing. I don't just mean willing, I mean committed. Talking about your comment over on the other thread. You have to be willing to do the hard part. Know what I mean? ❤️
pray for a change of heart
please pray for my knee that keeps hurting sharp pain when i walk sometimes if i don’t walk very very carefully. it still has a metal plate and screws in it from an accident 40 years ago and it’s sometimes fine but occasionally pretty painful like this week has been. but I’ve been putting my hand on it and praying for it myself. I am asking for others to agree with me that the Lord will strengthen it and heal it in Jesus name thanks.
please pray for my knee that keeps hurting sharp pain when i walk sometimes if i don’t walk very very carefully. it still has a metal plate and screws in it from an accident 40 years ago and it’s sometimes fine but occasionally pretty painful like this week has been. but I’ve been putting my hand on it and praying for it myself. I am asking for others to agree with me that the Lord will strengthen it and heal it in Jesus name thanks.
I’ll definitely pray!!!
please pray for my knee that keeps hurting sharp pain when i walk sometimes if i don’t walk very very carefully. it still has a metal plate and screws in it from an accident 40 years ago and it’s sometimes fine but occasionally pretty painful like this week has been. but I’ve been putting my hand on it and praying for it myself. I am asking for others to agree with me that the Lord will strengthen it and heal it in Jesus name thanks.
Will pray, but ... what does the doctor say?
Hello everyone,

I just came across this thread and am thrilled to find a large body of believers who share their faith, struggles and God's victories on BYC. I've trusted Jesus in 1988 and can whole heartedly testify that there is NO way I'd be where I am today with Him. I don't have a lavish life but I have exactly what I need and I've gone through some pretty tough times. I served in international missions for 12 years and have been incredibly blessed to see many many people come to Christ in lands were speaking the name of Jesus can lead to death.

Lord, even though this world around us is in chaos right now, You are not only fully aware of it, but you knew it would happen from the beginning of time. You created us so that each of us would be alive in these very days. I ask that you make us productive warriors for You during this turbulence. Strengthen us. Confirm for us that You are very near to our sides. Lead us in the way You want us to go. And thank you Lord; for every blessing, every chirping bird we hear, the food we are sustained with, the love of animals, the shelter you have provided, and most importantly for making such a clear and free pathway for us to once again approach the throne room of grace.

May you all have a blessed day with the Lord. Struggles and all.... He is there with you in joy, struggles and sorrow.

amen. welcome to the thread!

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