prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

My left knee was replaced 10 years ago and is still doing great but he said my right knee would be a huge mess to try to replace because first he would have to take out all the old metal which at this point after 40 years is overgrown with bone.
I was supposed to have the metal plate and screws taken out after a few yearsbut did not have insurance as time went by eventually about 20 years ago. I got some health insurance, but it was already too late.
when the car accident happened 40 years ago that destroyed my knee, it was covered by automobile insurance.
presently, I have health insurance through my husband‘s job, but it is the minimum minimum minimum coverage you could possibly get they don’t even cover doctor visits. If you’re sick they don’t cover urgent care. They don’t cover hospitalization. They only cover wellness checks and the top 200 most frequently prescribed prescriptions and all kinds of wellness tests but if you’re sick, you can’t even go to the doctor if you get hospitalized, they don’t cover it. They don’t cover urgent care either. Says they will try to find you a community program who will help you pay but I could do zoom visits. Better insurance would be nice in a couple of years I can get Medicare.

I need some prayers for pets today. First off, we need to find a farrier as ours just cut more than half her clients, and my outdoor cat has had kittens, so prayers that she stays safe and healthy.
To both of you:

Philippians 4:19 KJV
But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
My left knee was replaced 10 years ago and is still doing great but he said my right knee would be a huge mess to try to replace because first he would have to take out all the old metal which at this point after 40 years is overgrown with bone.
I was supposed to have the metal plate and screws taken out after a few yearsbut did not have insurance as time went by eventually about 20 years ago. I got some health insurance, but it was already too late.
when the car accident happened 40 years ago that destroyed my knee, it was covered by automobile insurance.
presently, I have health insurance through my husband‘s job, but it is the minimum minimum minimum coverage you could possibly get they don’t even cover doctor visits. If you’re sick they don’t cover urgent care. They don’t cover hospitalization. They only cover wellness checks and the top 200 most frequently prescribed prescriptions and all kinds of wellness tests but if you’re sick, you can’t even go to the doctor if you get hospitalized, they don’t cover it. They don’t cover urgent care either. Says they will try to find you a community program who will help you pay but I could do zoom visits. Better insurance would be nice in a couple of years I can get Medicare.
If you're on this page JenBirdee then you are either a woman of faith or seeking for truth, hope and joy. From my fingertips to God's ears:

Father God, Your word says that were two or more are gathered together in Your name; that You are in the midst of them. The prayer warriors on this page are hereby gathering. Father when You created JenBirdee You created her in Your perfections. Jenbirdee entered the world in the fullness of Your desire for her. In that very time, You knew she would be dealing with these very issues. Please send her comfort to know these circumstances would NEVER be a surprise to You and that even in the midst of this, You still have the perfect plan for her health and wellness. Insurance companies may be trying to block Your plan; but they will not prevail for NOT ONE can prevail against you. Not one. You and You alone are seated on The Throne. Abba, please fill Jenbirdee with your provision during this time. And in the name of Jesus, I pray that you restore this knee to the perfection You created it to be; with mobility and strength. Cast this pain, bone overgrowth, worry, concern and the insurance issues back into the pit from whence it came. You are the only exceedingly abundant God;Your praise will never cease and Your provision is perfect and eternal for all who Trust in You. Jesus reigns; Satan you've already been defeated so just move out of the way.

If you're on this page JenBirdee then you are either a woman of faith or seeking for truth, hope and joy. From my fingertips to God's ears:

Father God, Your word says that were two or more are gathered together in Your name; that You are in the midst of them. The prayer warriors on this page are hereby gathering. Father when You created JenBirdee You created her in Your perfections. Jenbirdee entered the world in the fullness of Your desire for her. In that very time, You knew she would be dealing with these very issues. Please send her comfort to know these circumstances would NEVER be a surprise to You and that even in the midst of this, You still have the perfect plan for her health and wellness. Insurance companies may be trying to block Your plan; but they will not prevail for NOT ONE can prevail against you. Not one. You and You alone are seated on The Throne. Abba, please fill Jenbirdee with your provision during this time. And in the name of Jesus, I pray that you restore this knee to the perfection You created it to be; with mobility and strength. Cast this pain, bone overgrowth, worry, concern and the insurance issues back into the pit from whence it came. You are the only exceedingly abundant God;Your praise will never cease and Your provision is perfect and eternal for all who Trust in You. Jesus reigns; Satan you've already been defeated so just move out of the way.

wow what a blessing so thankful amen
To both of you:

Philippians 4:19 KJV
But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
He has answered two huge prayers. My sibling is much better, which is a HUGE praise. The other issue that I never elaborated on has been resolved too! I am so thankful. I would like to share a few verses and books that helped get me through this. I love Sadie Robertson's sermons, especially "Don't Waste The Waiting" and "Running with God". Her book "Live" is very enlightening as well for anyone who has had troubles with self worth. I haven't had an issue with self worth, but I have found it a great guide for living with God. I have also read and loved the Home in Mitford series by Jan Karon, absolutely worth checking your local Library for, and I found gaps in the series can often be filled by checking the large print section.
An insect flew into my ear when i was locking up the ducks chickens and geese!
it’s dead now it finally stopped flapping around. I was outside locking up the birds and this felt like a big moth or something just flew straight into my right ear. First I started praying and shaking my head to the side and then wiggling like pulling my earlobe and praying and then remembered the hose was on so I sprayed water into my ear, but that didn’t work and so I was like walking around trying to finish up the birds while it kept flapping in my ear and my equilibrium was off so I was like almost falling over. I finally made it in the house still praying, and I grabbed a bottle of olive oil and a syringe drew some up. Poured that in my ear and that made it stop flapping I think I suffocated it . I went into my Moms apartment -help me help me.! She had a bulb syringe so we were using it to try to suck it out and then , I looked it up , and read to shake your head -use oil - and then use warm water . so I started using warm water, but the dead bug is still in there.

please God make it come out.
again I need prayer.
If I must see a dr then please Lord help my husband handle the payment amen

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