prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

"The day is gone when you can be a quiet and comfortable Christian. Your religion is not just about showing up for church on Sunday. It is about showing up as a true disciple from Sunday morning through Saturday night—24/7! There is no such thing as a “part-time” disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus invited anyone who wants to be His disciple to take up His cross and follow Him. Are you ready to join the ranks?"
President Russell M Nelson
Psalm 31:24: "Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the Lord."
It takes some Faith also during some tough times. I had a conversation with Him this morning to give me strength through my faith to help through some things going on. It's wonderful to feel of His love and to feel of the Comforter when things are hard. I was given an opportunity this morning to actually see His work in place through me. I love being directed to where I may be of help. Service is one of the best ways to help keep our minds in the right direction, to help us stay focused and feel better about the day.
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