prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Prayer request (s)
My friends moms friend has been diagnosed with cancer and it’s pretty bad.

And my friends mom (different one) gets saved because she knows who Jesus is but she doesn’t believe and her daughter is not allowed to pray or worship at her house, and I also pray that she can stay with her dad more as her mom does witchcraft and other things. Her parents are divorced so I pray for her to find comfort about that too.
Prayer request (s)
My friends moms friend has been diagnosed with cancer and it’s pretty bad.
Praying for the cancer patient and her family.

And my friends mom (different one) gets saved because she knows who Jesus is but she doesn’t believe and her daughter is not allowed to pray or worship at her house,
Nobody/ nothing can stop your friend from praying in her heart or aloud and giving praise and worship, either silently or aloud to the true Creator God anywhere, especially in her own home, and very especially when surrounded by influences of darkness. Remember Daniel who prayed aloud in his window when to do so was a death sentence. See Daniel 6. Remember, God says, "them that honour me I will honour." That's in 1 Sam. 2:30. I will pray that God gives her a special measure of courage.
and I also pray that she can stay with her dad more as her mom does witchcraft and other things. Her parents are divorced so I pray for her to find comfort about that too.
I will pray the Lord's will be done in this situation, and for God's protection for her. It may be that your friend's presence can be a powerful influence for good in her mother's house and even block the powers of evil, but she will have to stay very close to the Lord through Bible study and prayer.
Had a special guest speaker at our sister church Friday night and yesterday. He shared experiences from his work as a missionary in several "closed" countries, places where it is not safe to be a Christian or to share the Good News of God's love or what Jesus has done for us. Where it is death to own a Bible. Please pray for those who are doing it anyway. It is amazing how God is protecting His faithful workers around the world and bringing people to a knowledge of His saving grace in spite of what mere men and governments can do! Glory to God! :bow
We both have missionaries in unsafe areas. My Austin went to a part of a state I won't mention, but the good folks they knocked on a door of that area told him and his companion that they should not be on the street as it was getting dark.
Another time a man opened his door to them, asked my son and his partner if they had ever had a gun pointed in their face. They nervously chuckled and said no. The man then pointed a gun in their faces and said...well now you have. I prayed for him and other missionaries then, and still do. There were more scary stories that he didn't tell me until he was home.
The Lord's work is going on, regardless of satan trying to pull it down. Won't happen. Heavenly Father and His Son are the all Powerful. 💗
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