prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

This is something I wrote down quickly during a group therapy session and I thought I'd share...

Life is hard. It's not easy - and is far from that. But I have a goal: I want to help others, and to do that I need to stay alive. Unfortunately even that can be difficult. We try, we fall, and at some point we get tired of getting back up. Sometimes we consider giving up. Depression and anxiety rule my mind. I lose sight of what matters. Cognitive dissonance makes my brain feel like a battleground. I feel like it's never gonna change. But then I look up. I see the sun breaking through the clouds. I see other people telling me I have a purpose. I remember that there is always a sunrise even after the darkest of nights. And I have a flicker of hope, even for a second, that gives me the strength to grab hold of that hand reaching out to help me. I feel weak and tired, but there's a shard of resilience. I know I can keep going. So I look ahead at my goals - to help animals, serve my community, and share my faith.
Lemon, it's good to see you here. I know the struggle. Be of good courage! Keep putting one foot in front of the other, it does get better! The Lord is with you and He has great plans for you, you mighty woman of valor! He will strengthen you! Yes He will uphold you with His mighty right hand! You can do all things through Christ Who strengthens you. He is your strength and your Redeemer! ❤️
Has anyone heard the country song, "I Saw God Today" by the great George Straight? These flowers are growing in the cracks in my sidewalk and I did not plant them. Yes, I have these flowers in some hanging baskets and planters but only there were they planted. They remind me of God's love for us. It might seem impossible that He loves us so much but He gives us these little reminders everday, we just have to see them
Has anyone heard the country song, "I Saw God Today" by the great George Straight? These flowers are growing in the cracks in my sidewalk and I did not plant them. Yes, I have these flowers in some hanging baskets and planters but only there were they planted. They remind me of God's love for us. It might seem impossible that He loves us so much but He gives us these little reminders everday, we just have to see themView attachment 3953994View attachment 3953995
The birds or the wind planted them. Well, I mean God planted them, but He used birds or the wind to do it. ❤️

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