prayer warriors (following Jesus Christ, everyone welcome)

Sorry for the delay in responding. Been a hectic weekend.
Did a brief FaceTime with him and the kids last night. He looks to be very uncomfortable and his movements tell me he is in pain but refuses to take anything and with a positive attitude says "It's all good - I don't have time to not get back to life". With numerous kids and all their activities they run helter skelter from one sporting event to the next. There is no way I would have the energy required to keep up with their schedule. He will heal in time it just may take longer without having any 'down' time. Thank you for asking. 😊

Meanwhile, we've got a sticky chicken situation. Our adult BO is being mean to the new Cinnamon Queen pullet. Today she chased her down and plucked out a fistful of feathers. I couldn't react in time to thump her head but I heard the scream. If this continues I don't know what I'm going to do. Disharmony in the chicken run stresses me out. I now need to spend more time with them again, I guess. 😞

hope your son gets well soon. as for chickens they usually get along within a week or 2.

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