Pre-incubation question


In the Brooder
Apr 28, 2024
It is summer here and very hot outside, even with my A/C on I cannot find a space in my hone in the reco 45-55F range to store my eggs awaiting the incubator.
I read some research here::
That shows you can use a fridge....any personal experience?
Thank you:)

I just try and set my eggs before the 7 day mark. Typically it's 80°F in my incubaton room (where I store my eggs) year around.

ETA -- when I did store them in a fridge, I got terrible hatching rates, maybe I stored them too long, idk. I have stored eggs up to 12 days with no effect on hatch rates, anything over that amount of time and the hatch rate dropped on an order of magnitude.
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I just try and set my eggs before the 7 day mark. Typically it's 80°F in my incubaton room (where I store my eggs) year around.

ETA -- when I did store them in a fridge, I got terrible hatching rates, maybe I stored them too long, idk. I have stored eggs up to 12 days with no effect on hatch rates, anything over that amount of time and the hatch rate dropped on an order of magnitude.
My coolest room is 70-75F. So I feel reassured by your 80F :) TY
I hatched shipped eggs that spent 8 days in the mail, 5/15 were crushed, and it was my first time hatching anything and still hatched 6/8 fertile eggs. They are resilient little buggers. Turning them daily before incubating may be more important than ambient temperature (personal theory). Fridge eggs are supposed to have a horrible hatch rate but to try out a new incubator I threw some chicken fridge eggs in (over a week old) and took them to day 12, opening up an egg a day. I had 7/9 develop but when opened the white stuck to the shell. I have the same trouble with older quail fridge eating eggs. Is it the adhesion that causes poor hatch rates vs poor development rates from fridge eggs? If you turn fridge eggs will it improve hatch rates? Anybody need a PhD thesis?

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