So sorry for your loss. As you have now discovered free ranging is a risk you take. Lessons learned the hard way and the predator will be back. I have several game cameras up around on my property and over the years have noticed that most predators have routines and routes so whatever you get on your camera is likely the culprit. I have some of my cameras mounted on posts so I can move them around. I haven't lost a bird in quite awhile but now my birds are in nice large covered pens for protection from aerial predators and I have electric wires around the coops and pens and concrete under the gates for protection from the ground predators, all due to losses in the past. Again lessons learned the hard way. Chickens are creatures of habits and like routines. My birds adapted well to their pens and there are ways to entertain them in a pen. Now when I do let the birds out before long they are all back in their pens. I think they feel the pens are their safe place. My land is mostly open pasture but there are some woods behind me. Hardly a night goes by when the predators roam here that I don't see a predator on at least one of the cameras. Good luck...