Predator proofing chicken run Australia


7 Years
Nov 12, 2017
Domestic cats and foxes are the predators in my area in Australia. I have a coup that will be very secure and safe from them but the run is more of an issue. They will be locked in at night but free range in the run during the day.
I would rather not have a roof, Does it need a roof if the fences are high? And what materials would be recommended as a roof, would bird netting be deterrent enough?
Do I really need to worry about domestic cats? My chickens are very small breeds.

I was originally hoping to have them free range the whole yard but I will be unable to fox/cat proof the entire block unfortunately.

Cats and foxes will climb fences. Netting is better than nothing. Any chance you can do an electric fence or wire around it?
I can't unfortunately as one side of the fence is a colourbond fence and the other side is the wall of my house. There would be no way to get the electric fence all the way around 😔
I will connect the netting tightly to the top of the fencing and hopefully that will be enough to deter them from trying. I will be putting wire/concrete 40cm down under the perimeter.
Domestic cats will not usually be a problem, the chooks will go berserk and the cat will usually fall off the fence from the shock especially if it is a colorbond fence.
Foxes, ferrel cats and birds of prey will be your biggest problems, a large fully enclosed run with some wind, rain and sun shelter for them to play in while you are not home and only free range them when someone is around to keep an eye or an ear out for them. They will make a hell of a racket if they see a fox or a cat and they will duck under something to disappear if they see a large bird in the sky, that is if you give them something to duck under.
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