Premature chick with vent prolapse


Jun 24, 2023
Well Mumma hen, my RIR, did it! She now has 4 chicks, and has 4 eggs still under her. But the fourth chick didn’t seem to hatch right. And I think me trying to gently investigate this morning may have prolapsed the vent. This was like 7 hours ago and I have been keeping a very close eye on the chick. Chick almost has opened its eyes, chirped, and and stretched its legs, but hasn’t stood up yet. I have been feeding electrolyte water in drops, and have put some coconut oil on the vent area to keep it moisturized.

I’m not sure what to do. I know there is a good chance of infection, but I don’t want to give up just yet. I can go to the feed store tomorrow and pick up antibiotics, but I’m not sure what to get.

Also I think I see this, the flap attached to the intestines. But I don’t know. I know it’s not looking good, but I want to do everything I can to try and save the chick. So please only give advice on how to help chick or make chick most comfortable.
Update: this is not a vent prolapse. I will likely need to put this chick down. My heart is broken but it could very well have been that it was prolapsed before and there was nothing I could do.
I have it under a heat lamp, but I just made the decision to put the chick down. I am seeing the insides of the chick and I know I can’t do anything really now. Now I’m just mentally preparing to do my first ever chicken cull. It’s hard because even though I know it’s the right choice, I still worry “what if”.
I have it under a heat lamp, but I just made the decision to put the chick down. I am seeing the insides of the chick and I know I can’t do anything really now. Now I’m just mentally preparing to do my first ever chicken cull. It’s hard because even though I know it’s the right choice, I still worry “what if”.
If it's still alive, it could absorb the rest, no? Without a picture, I'm not sure what you've got there. I'd put it in something like a sterile dixie cup inside a shallow coffee cup so it doesn't tip over. Check the temp as it should be between 95 and 99F. Then I'd leave it alone and let it sleep for several hours and reassess.
If it's still alive, it could absorb the rest, no? Without a picture, I'm not sure what you've got there. I'd put it in something like a sterile dixie cup inside a shallow coffee cup so it doesn't tip over. Check the temp as it should be between 95 and 99F. Then I'd leave it alone and let it sleep for several hours and reassess.
Its organs are coming out of its abdomen. Let me grab a photo, since I’m still here having a hard time bringing myself to cull it.
Okay, NOW I see what you mean. That is a little too much out to ever hope it'll absorb it. I agree with you in your decision. I'll put a way I've heard to cull that's fast and clean. Don't read it until you're ready. I'm sorry!

One way to cull a chick is putting it inside of a plastic bag, then snip its head off.
Okay, NOW I see what you mean. That is a little too much out to ever hope it'll absorb it. I agree with you in your decision. I'll put a way I've heard to cull that's fast and clean. Don't read it until you're ready. I'm sorry!

One way to cull a chick is putting it inside of a plastic bag, then snip its head off.
I’ve researched how to do it, but it’s just really hard. It feels comforting though to know someone else agrees in my assessment.

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