Premature duckling, still absorbing egg yolk Need Help!

Meant to say if there’s anything sticking out that’s fleshy and non-goopy, I’d try to gently push that in. Otherwise, leave it be.

Try to keep baby on their feet, if you can.

There’s a good chance if it stays intact / falls off and baby stays active, they’ll be okay.
I’m unsure about the sugar water. Typically, the yolk would keep them plenty fed for a day or two.
I would also suggest trying to keep baby off of its back, as they can’t breathe well when on their back.

Also did you say it’s been hatched 48 hours or did I misunderstand? It should be pretty well dried off if so, but it still looks really wet.
Ok thank you! Yes, I had to assist it hatching last Friday, it is Monday now. It seemed to stay really wet for a long time in the incubator and I was worried that maybe it was from the membrane, and it had dried over the baby's body making it look like it was wet but thankfully that was not the case. I don't have a picture from this morning, but I put it in a small bowl last night with a paper towel and it looked like its little protrusion has turned into a dried-up nub. It was also looking a bit more dried off and fluffier today. I need to check on it when I get home but hopefully it will be better.

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