IT does keep them looking better, but they keep acceptably well just placed in my veggie bin in the refrigerator a long time. I have had some keep several months, still eating them occasionally. They have kept ok in the ground here in the mid south, till late winter, before many rotted. I usually have them to eat from about November till about May in the garden or fridge. I get stingy with them in the fridge because of lack of space and eat them on special occasions, like Easter or my birthday. I am a fan of rutabagas because of ease to grow a large amount of food that is available in the winter. One large rutabaga will fill a good size serving bowl cut up and roasted and make servings for several people. A couple short rows (33 feet each)supply my home and my friends and family with all they ask for and that is frequently, with some of them being very disappointed when they run out!