I'm so tired. 10 cups of freezer corn done. Five pints of green beans and 12 pints of salsa canned. Took me three hours to cut all the veggies for the salsa! I must be pretty slow at it but jeez, three hours is crazy. I'm investing in one of those Slap Chop things
How do you get the corn off the cob?

I tried to cut it off. Had a lot of waste and mess. Most of the time, it cut the kernels in half so I lost half. It's hard to judge how "deep" to cut

Looking for a better way to do it.
I've also heard of using a tube pan( like an angel food ) , put cob in hole , then cut away it falls in pan .
I know what you mean about only cutting half... go too deep and you get cob!. I used to take the back side of knife and scrape cob to get that part it ends up like creamed corn with lots of those tidbits in it. Just FYI
Blueberry-Zucchini bread, that I will cut into strips to freeze-dry into biscotti.
I currently have yellow tomato slices, red tomato sauce and eggs in the freeze dryer

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For getting corn of the cob:
I cut prefer to cut my corn off with a serrated knife. Then I run the knife over the cob to get the juice and little tidbits.

I have also used this:
I bought it at a Mennonite bulk food store. It is easy to use and great for children to use in helping! It can be adjusted so that it will mostly cream the corn or cut the kernels deeper.

I've never used this one, but it's the original version of the above cutter:

We usually work together with our in-laws and it can get to be a big day at times. We usually end up with a mix of cut off corn and creamed corn (with the children helping). Some prefer 50% or more creamed corn mixed in with some cut corn to box up for the freezer. In our house we prefer more cut corn with some creamed corn mixed in...Another time where different people have different preferences!

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