30 Quart bags of sliced peaches in the freezer so far...
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I bought peaches today to can them. Have to wait a few days, they are pretty hard yet. I did 6 half pints of tomato paste earlier. Peeled, seeded and chopped 60 tomatoes by hand. I need an electric food mill
I have a ninja blender make short work of 4 cases of tomato top off blend.
seeds and skins.
Wow. Nationally known company.
It's actually happened more than once! Tomatoes and yellow squash.
I'm going back to ordering from companies I've used in the past or saving my own. I have one mom and pop hardware in town that still sells bulk seed by the scoop (1/4 c or 1/2 c). They are great but limited variety. I think Wyatt Quarles.

This year I picked up a pack of FM zucchini, it was spineless something or other. There were only 7 seeds in the pack and only 3 germinated. 2 of them looked bad out of the pack but planted anyway. This makes no sense! I plant certain varieties because that's what I want to grow. Seeds have gone up like everything else so I expect them to do better than this!
Seeds have gone up like everything else so I expect them to do better than this!
Really! I do too.

I'm trying to become as seed self sufficient as I can. I save my own tomato seed from the ones that impress me. I buy a few new varieties, looking for another one that will impress me.

Varieties that have NOT made me say wow include: Mortgage Lifter (3rd year, won't grow it again), Brandywine, Cherokee Purple.

I'm giving up on butternut squash for a few years. Maybe I'll grow an acorn type next year.

I hope the spaghetti squash that is in the freezer is good for something.

I have a 6 foot table with not-quite-ripe tomatoes in the mudroom, covered with a sheet. We'll see if I have enough to can tomorrow. I need to can at least another 25 quarts, and I'd prefer 30. Then it's on to salsa, and hubby wants a lot of that. He's rationing the last of last years to make it through to this season's harvest.

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