I dont belive they use arsenic anymore. I am building mine now, and when I went back to Home Depot the other day, none of the pressure treated wood was green. They told me that that is the way it looks now. I had to walk around and look at all the tags, to see which ones said P/T.
Thats true they are not supose to use arsenic any more. but then everything is harmless for the first 20yrs. untill they find out what the chemicals do.
Your right arsenic is restricted now for residential use, most stuff is now treated with alkaline copper quat (ACQ). and what is said about ACQ ..... chemicals in treated wood are generally not good for humans. So in 20 years this will be restricted too.
I think any chemical made to keep things from rotting though mechanism of preventing life to occur on the wood that would normally degrade it would be bad for life in general. However, I'm sure I'll die of some genetic/lifestyle problem first and the house will still stand.
Don't they purify silver with arsenic still? Or was it mercury?