Previously healthy chicken suddenly lethargic, can't move - urgent


In the Brooder
Jun 2, 2021
We have a 2 year old Golden Laced Wyandotte who became extremely sick today and we can't figure out why. All of the other chickens are molting right now and she's not, but figured she just wasn't molting this season. She hasn't laid any eggs in about a month or two, but none of the chickens have. Today we found her in the corner of the run with all of her feathers puffed up, eyes closed, hunched over, etc. Her comb is also bleeding, not sure if it's related or not. She's high up in the pecking order. We brought her into the garage and have been feeding her sugar water with a syringe, can't tell if it's helping or not. She's barely moving and when she does it's to extend her head forward and open her beak - we're not sure if she wants more water or if she's choking on the water she already has, which makes it hard to know what to do. Anyone know why she's sick??
Upon further inspection, she not only has an extra toe that we've somehow never noticed, but red bumps all over the bottoms of her feet.
We cleaned her feet off and they're definitely swollen, not sure if that's the problem or if it's a symptom. Also, I've been meaning to clip her toenails for a while, and I'm not sure if I should attempt to do it now or not.
What breed is she? Some breeds have 5 toes, and there also can be birth defects. Is she gasping or adjusting her crop? Feel of her crop in her right upper chest, and see if it is empty, full, hard or puffy. Has she lost weight when you pick her up? Are there any lice or mites on her belly and skin? Is there any enlargement of her lower belly between the legs? Pictures of her and her feet might help. Have you noticed any ants in the coop?
She's a Golden Laced Wyandotte. She's not quite gasping, but she's moving her head and honestly she might just be doing the closest thing she can to gasping given how little she's moving. It's hard to feel her crop as she's sitting down and she really is barely moving at all. She's lost some weight, but she's not dangerously light. I've checked for lice and mites and can't find any, but maybe I don't know what I'm looking for. Again, it's hard to tell about her lower belly because she's sitting down and her feathers are puffed up, but I haven't noticed anything. Tried to take some pictures, but couldn't really get any of the bottom of her feet. Also, in the pictures she has some wet feathers, but we've dried those off now.

I don't know how she would have gotten into anything unless it somehow got in the coop, she hasn't been out of it in a few months. Her comb and face actually look pretty normal. A tiny bit pale and ever so slightly purple, but pretty normal.
How cold is it there? Are her feet discolored? The long curling toenails and scaly leg mites (because the scales appear raised,) look like she might not have been doing well for awhile. At 2, she could have some reproductive issue or cancer. Those are common. You can pick her up and run your hand over her crop to feel it. Try it on some others to know what it feels like. The crop normally fills up with food and water during the day, and empties by morning. I would slightly trim her nails about once every 2 weeks, and slather some vaseline or oil on her legs and feet, running it in well twice a week to treat leg mites.
It's been cold lately. Her feet are slightly discolored. I can't check her crop right now as I had to leave but I will when I get back in an hour or two, hopefully she makes it for that long. These last few weeks I've been focusing on helping another chicken in the flock who was scalped by the other chickens, so I haven't been paying as close of attention to the other chickens - you could be right and she might have been sick for a while.

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