Problems breathing but not sure why

Yes they will eat those things. If they are free range it would be impossible for you to stop them. They only get worms from them if the are carriers. Just keep doing what you are doing and keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn't get any other symptoms.
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sounds like a respiratory infection of some kind ... if you dont't want to go all out for vet care/antibiotics etc - it is best she stays separated from the others through a fence or wherever she would naturally like to hang out without getting all stressed out), plenty of clean, cool water and shade and whatever good treats she is used to ..special veggie, meat, eggs ...sometimes fermenting ...or just soaking the food (not crumbles) is good as it is already soaked up with water - live kefir/yogurt on soft cooked zuccini or other such veggie - too much sugar = could lead to diarrhea.

she might pull through it, but could take time, just like when we have a cold or pneumonia. main thing: don't scare her, make her run or give anyone a chance to fight with her.anything that gets her to have to breathe even harden would not be good.
We don't mind antibiotics. We ARE going out of town this weekend for 2 nights so I need something that I can add to food or water. Is this even possible? I don't think my horsesitter will want to inject and I wouldn't feel comfortable asking. Any recommendations on what to get? I will get some tonight at our farm store. What is the dosing and do I add just to water?
Is it hot there? Have you taken measures to keep them all cool?

Does she have any runny nose? If so, swipe it with your finger and smell it. If it smells bad, it's choryza. I had a girl get it, and isolated and treated with an antibiotic and she got well! You'll need to look up to see which antibiotic is appropriate. I keep Tylan inj. on hand all the time.

The noisy breathing: is it in her throat or her chest? Did you put her chest to your ear? Yeah, it looks odd, but I did this a lot when diagnosing my birds. Seal her chest agains your ear and you'll hear the rales if they are there. Very fine sounds, like if you took your hair between your fingers and held it near your ear and rubbed the hairs against each other between your thumb and forefinger.

Is she coughing and wheezing? I had a girl get infectious laryngotracheitis and choke to death right in front of me. Totally helpless to fix her. The state necropsy lab said she didn't have it, but I'm not so sure. It's very contagious, but no one else got sick.

Plain yogurt! Always, yogurt.

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