Progress share on our late season illinois coop!


Apr 5, 2024
Northern Illinois
This is where we are today, next step is tyvek then windows and doors followed by soffit and fascia. Hope we'll move them within 2 weeks. They do have a very cozy safe space now. :)

Pray for us!

That is gorgeous! Those are some lucky chickens!!

Looks like you live where there could be outdoor predators? Might I suggest, if you didn't already plan it, to use 1/2" hardware cloth on your run and get a few solar motion cameras?
That is gorgeous! Those are some lucky chickens!!

Looks like you live where there could be outdoor predators? Might I suggest, if you didn't already plan it, to use 1/2" hardware cloth on your run and get a few solar motion cameras?
Thank you! We've hardware clothed the entire base of the coop and plan to do the same for the entire run. It's super buttoned down, or will be, lol! We have foxes, coyote, mink, and hawks, so yes, super predator heavy.

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