Prolapsed vent — Sucked it back in (Pictures)


Emu obsessed
Sep 8, 2022
My hen seemingly had a prolapsed vent, I freaked out, did research and was mentally preparing for what I had to do, before I was going to do that I was going to show my mom, but by that time she had sucked it back in?
Is she fine?? Why did this happen in the first place??
She's a polish, 11 months old
But like I said, the first picture is what I saw, I researched it and saw it matched a prolapsed vent, I separated her as I went to tell my parents about the situation and all (and mentally preparing myself for what I had to do..), my mom wanted to see so we opened the coop, turned her around and she was fine with nothing sticking out
But like I said, the first picture is what I saw, I researched it and saw it matched a prolapsed vent, I separated her as I went to tell my parents about the situation and all (and mentally preparing myself for what I had to do..), my mom wanted to see so we opened the coop, turned her around and she was fine with nothing sticking out

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