System error
So Prudy my 24 week old JG pullet started acting off today. She is usually super talkative, very active, and never wants to be away from the other chickens. But today she is lethargic and seems almost disoriented. She will walk and peck for a couple minutes then just stand like this, head close to her body and she is bent down more than she is usually, staring off until I would go and pick her up before I got her inside (she is still doing it I am just am not picking her up to snap her out of it)
Her poops are also looking very off and look very concerning.
I have her separated in a large dog crate with food, water with electrolytes, and a mirror. I am going to add some oyster shells and grit tonight after she is asleep.
I can take her to a vet but I don’t know how long it will be before I can get an appointment.
I can take her to a vet but I don’t know how long it will be before I can get an appointment.