Pullet acting off and weird poops


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Mar 31, 2024
So Prudy my 24 week old JG pullet started acting off today. She is usually super talkative, very active, and never wants to be away from the other chickens. But today she is lethargic and seems almost disoriented. She will walk and peck for a couple minutes then just stand like this, head close to her body and she is bent down more than she is usually, staring off until I would go and pick her up before I got her inside (she is still doing it I am just am not picking her up to snap her out of it)
Her poops are also looking very off and look very concerning.
I have her separated in a large dog crate with food, water with electrolytes, and a mirror. I am going to add some oyster shells and grit tonight after she is asleep.

I can take her to a vet but I don’t know how long it will be before I can get an appointment.
She is fed Nutrena NatureWise 20% all flock and has oyster shells on the side. They free range for 4-5 hours on week days and all day on weekends, or days I am home all day such as today).
Is she laying yet?
They can act odd when that first egg comes thru.
Also can act odd when a softie is coming down the pike.
I think she is. She has been squating for 2-3 weeks at this point and has a very red comb and wattles. Out of 6 pullets I have 3 that I know are laying regularly, one that isn’t laying, and one that I have only seems to be laying soft shelled eggs. I have been getting eggs every couple of days that don’t match the 3 I know are laying and I got 4 good eggs to other day and a soft shelled one as well so I am 95% sure she is
I did get her to eat some dried mealworms/soldier fly larvae but she doesn’t seem interested in her normal food
I would give her some calcium citrate with vitamin D3 for a couple of days. Especially if you think she is laying the soft eggs.

I have had a couple that just need extra. Mine have oyster shell available and have layer feed, also I feed their egg shells back to them but occasionally one needs more.

I just open their beak and pop it in.

Also see if she will eat some scrambled egg or some chicken feed soaked in water for a mash.

She did lay a soft shelled egg overnight (shell behind the poop) so I am hoping that is all it was. She seems much happier and more active today I am thinking I will see how she does this afternoon and put her out while the rest of the flock is free ranging.
She did lay a soft shelled egg overnight (shell behind the poop) so I am hoping that is all it was.
The first time this happened to one of my birds it kind freaked me out.

Might be good idea to dose her with the calcium as @ChicNmom described.

..and sprinkle some of the OS around the run floor, and a few pieces on top of the feed.
I would give a human calcium citrate with vitamin D3 tablet daily for the next 7 days. Layer feed has 4% calcium, while all flock feed has 1%. I use all flock when I raise chicks with grown hens, but she may not be getting enough calcium. Some pullets may lay soft shell eggs early on. Hopefully, she will get this sorted out. Make sure that she has access to the crushed oyster shell to get more calcium once the calcium tablets stop in 7 days. Let us know how she gets along.

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