
In the Brooder
May 24, 2023
Hi all
I have 2 black australorps, the first, alice, has been laying since 2 weeks ago and hasn’t had a single issue. We get an egg from her almost every day and never had a soft shell or shell-less egg from her. Her sister, Gladys just started laying yesterday. We got a perfect pullet egg with a strong hard shell deposited in the nesting box. Whew I was so excited! Until today when alice laid her perfect egg as normal but I found a “rubber” or squishy egg deposited out in the run by Gladys. I thought it was weird and read that this can be completely normal from new pullets that just started laying. I then noticed her back in that area of the run so I ran out to check it out and started recording since her butt was facing me and I wanted images on if she was egg bound or not when I captured her depositing yet another egg this time completely liquid and came out with no shell or membrane or anything! She is eating, drinking, and walking normal but just deposited 2 wacky eggs today. Should I be worried? Is she egg bound or is this just a hiccup in her production. Like I said she just started laying yesterday but gave us a perfect egg and today gave us 2 wonky eggs. Any help is appreciated, a very concerned chicken father will be awaiting any advice or reassurance! I have attached a YouTube video I uploaded today of what her liquid egg deposit looked like!
It can take a month or more for a new layer to get the "glitches" out. Pay attention in case she does have problems from the get go -- it can happen -- but most likely her system will get everything in tune and be fine.

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