Pullet or Cockerel


Free Ranging
Oct 29, 2024
Hi all! I was wondering if anybody could tell me if this little nugget is a boy or girl. I'm kind of an amateur when it comes to chick sexing (at least when they're younger) and I'm not sure how accurate wing sexing is but any replies are appreciated! Please leave replies on this thread and not in the comments on the video as I'm more likely to see them here.
also my voice sounds so weird omg 😅
Hi all! I was wondering if anybody could tell me if this little nugget is a boy or girl. I'm kind of an amateur when it comes to chick sexing (at least when they're younger) and I'm not sure how accurate wing sexing is but any replies are appreciated! Please leave replies on this thread and not in the comments on the video as I'm more likely to see them here.
Note: sorry about the video quality. this was filmed at night so the footage is a bit grainy and the lighting is not great.
I just read that male chicks develope smaller wing/tail feathers and at a slower rate. Is this true/how accurate is it?
however my chicks are all different breeds so I don't really know if it'd be all the helpful anyways. My other 3 chicks were a week old when I got them and he was 5 minutes old lol. now that he's a week he has no tail feather and his wings are smaller but Idk
Again, in my experience, other than certain strains/breeds, rate of feather growth is a poor indicator of gender. Even more so if the chicks are mixed breeds.

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