Pullet or Roo? 9 week old Olive egger

Still looks like a pullet. Females and males both have saddle feathers which are longer than feathers on the back or under the wings. Compared to females, males have even longer saddle feathers. But the most noticeable distinguishing difference is that male saddle feathers are pointed while female saddle feathers are rounded. And yeah, I would expect her comb and wattles to be both much larger and much brighter if she were a cockerel.

That little tuft of feathers on top of her head is adorable! It indicates that she's a legbar based olive egger rather than an ameraucana based olive egger. Based on her color I'd guess marans rooster over a legbar hen (even though she doesn't have feathered legs) but that's just a guess.

My Meyers olive egger, Limu, at around the same age. You can see that her comb looks about the same as your girl's. I'm guessing Limu is probably a legbar rooster over a welsummer hen.

Here's to hoping our pretty girls give us some pretty olive colored eggs!
Yes absolutely!! It's been getting over 100 degrees where I'm at. My big girls do just fine but I've noticed my young ones have a hard time. If it's under 95 they're outside. It's finally starting to cool down so hopefully soon they'll be fully outside.

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