So... initial attempts at Pumpkin fries aren't working great. Its not bad. But could improve a lot. So I wanted to come back and ask some stuff to improve it.
I can't get the texture to be ... right when we try to make them. Its like the pumpkin stuff is too wet, almost...well not quite wet but not starchy enough. I guess... ah, I'm trying to get them CRUNCHIER, without having the insides all evaporate. (What do you think on this?) Will blending or whisking the flour a bit improve this?
Also, is there a particular type of pumpkin type (the plant, seed type) that is best for pumpkin fries more than others?
Any other suggestions to tweak this to get it to work better? Thanks.
I can't get the texture to be ... right when we try to make them. Its like the pumpkin stuff is too wet, almost...well not quite wet but not starchy enough. I guess... ah, I'm trying to get them CRUNCHIER, without having the insides all evaporate. (What do you think on this?) Will blending or whisking the flour a bit improve this?
Also, is there a particular type of pumpkin type (the plant, seed type) that is best for pumpkin fries more than others?
Any other suggestions to tweak this to get it to work better? Thanks.