Purple comb, tail down. lethargic hen - photos

Poultry Kitten

Jul 11, 2023
So today in the evening, I noticed my hen was acting strange. When they went outside, she just sat in the sun under a tree as all the other hens picked around. I got her to drink water and eat food. She is acting very lethargic, and the top of her comb is purple which I think may be a sign of frostbite, but it has been decently warmer this past week. Her tail is also down. I checked her crop and it felt normal, and I also checked for her being egg bound, and she felt normal though she has not laid for multiple months. Should I treat her comb for frostbite or is there anything else I could do? Thank you.
She’s eating all the food that is available and drinking all the water very quickly. With her only symptoms being her hunger, lethargic and purple comb I am unsure if this is an illness, I even know of. Is there any sickness that has a major symptom being purple combs?
Her comb is frostbitten. How cold did the temps get at night in the last few weeks? It will heal without any treatment over the next month or two, and may be more rounded off. Her dropping is runny and the yellow urates could be a sign of a reproductive infection or water belly. Note if her next dropping has white or yellow urates. Sometimes I think the b vitamins in the NutriDrench could give the dropping a yellow appearance. Feel of her crop first thing in the morning after she has gone all night without food and water, and tell us if it is empty and flat, or if it has food and is firm or squishy. Also note if she has any enlarged lower belly under her vent, or if she seems to have lost weight. I would offer some chicken feed mixed in a lot of water, and give her a bit of scrambled egg. Look her over for any lice and mites.
Her comb is frostbitten. How cold did the temps get at night in the last few weeks? It will heal without any treatment over the next month or two, and may be more rounded off. Her dropping is runny and the yellow urates could be a sign of a reproductive infection or water belly. Note if her next dropping has white or yellow urates. Sometimes I think the b vitamins in the NutriDrench could give the dropping a yellow appearance. Feel of her crop first thing in the morning after she has gone all night without food and water, and tell us if it is empty and flat, or if it has food and is firm or squishy. Also note if she has any enlarged lower belly under her vent, or if she seems to have lost weight. I would offer some chicken feed mixed in a lot of water, and give her a bit of scrambled egg. Look her over for any lice and mites.
I checked for mites she was good, I gave her watered down feed, and her crop felt normal maybe slightly squishy (not as squishy as sour crop) but it was still slightly full this morning. When I checked in the morning it was a bit before when they usually wake up and she looked very lethargic but her comb looked better, I am unsure if she was just tired because she was just woken up. The temperature this past week has only gotten down to freezing about two or three times it has been mainly in the fifties (Fahrenheit). Thanks for the advice!

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