Pyxis' Emu Chat Thread

So this is not emu related but I have to share.

Everyone knows Tractor Supply is notorious for mislabeling breeds. Last night I popped in on my way home from work to pick up some feed and glanced into the chick bins. Something caught my eye.

So I bought these two "leghorns":

View attachment 1483888

This has to be the worst case of Tractor Supply mislabeling something that I have ever seen. Not only did the get the breed wrong, they didn't even get the species right.

I told them after I bought them that they may want to stop telling people these are leghorns since, you know, they're not even chickens.

Oh, I also bought four dominiques to round out the six bird minimum purchase. Who upon further inspection have single combs. So they're not dominiques. Oh Tractor Supply.
:love love the leghorns! i miss my turkeys
So this is not emu related but I have to share.

Everyone knows Tractor Supply is notorious for mislabeling breeds. Last night I popped in on my way home from work to pick up some feed and glanced into the chick bins. Something caught my eye.

So I bought these two "leghorns":

View attachment 1483888

This has to be the worst case of Tractor Supply mislabeling something that I have ever seen. Not only did the get the breed wrong, they didn't even get the species right.

I told them after I bought them that they may want to stop telling people these are leghorns since, you know, they're not even chickens.

Oh, I also bought four dominiques to round out the six bird minimum purchase. Who upon further inspection have single combs. So they're not dominiques. Oh Tractor Supply.

Hello little leghorns. My, what big eyes you have! :gigCongrats on the scoring some sweet little poults :love
Pictures as promised! I took them yesterday but then got sidetracked by an auction and didn't post them.

Here's Ciara:


And I caught Desi mid-drink slinging some water around:


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