Q: What is the absolute coldest in CELSIUS that a chicken can survive?

In a way I agree with you, there is more to living than just surviving. But when it is that cold, my birds are living just fine. They are bright eyed, and active. Egg laying does slow down, but does not stop. All signs of good health.

They chose to go outside. I have windbreaks set up, with glass or clear plastic set in front to act like mini sun porches. Yes, they go in there, but they don't stay in there.

They seem to be thriving. Mrs K
You think chickens can handle -35F/C in a dry coup??? :S
That sounds too cold for them.
I live near Ottawa Ontario. Our winters are most often -10C to -20C with occasional periods colder than -30C,

I have a Woods 10' by 16' fresh air coop (accommodates 40) with a covered 12' by 25' run (tarped on north side, clear plastic on the south).

Coop is open (HC) on the front, faces south slightly east.

No heat, no frost bite (alright once when humidity level got too high, corrected by better water management).

I use 20% protein feed year round.

I have cold tolerant birds (Chanteclers & Barred Rock).
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