Quail in Wyoming

Is this for any quail? Most states do not combine Coturnix quail with the others like Bobwhite.

At first I thought the Coturnix came under the same regulations, but they don't here.
For instance I would have to have a permit, etc. for Bobwhite but not the Coturnix, both being quail.

If so, then I think you would be better off to get them local. For inspection reasons.
Sounds like the state wants local sales.

Well good luck.
Of course, but all this certification and all that is not based upon practice, just paperwork. All of these government officials just make up some sort of procedure you have to follow to keep the other officials happy.

There are higher regulations on quail because they are a game bird and most do not consider them to be domesticated animals. Poultry are domesticated animals in the view of the government and so there is less regulation on them.

Our government revolves around paperwork. There is a form for everything these days. Even quail now I guess.

I've been having trouble finding this form. Is it one that must be mailed to you? More from curiosity now than anything.
Yes, Game and Fish has to provide the form - I can't find it anywhere either.

Unfortunately, the state of Wyoming considers that quail are quail, native or not, and you have to jump through the hoops for Coturnix as well as Bobwhite. In fact, the state claims ownership of ALL gamebirds in the state, even if you buy them, and assumes regulatory authority over them. They require that you keep records of every bird in your care, and they can come and inspect your facilities at any time - so they can make sure that you are providing good care for "their" wildlife.

The permit I have allows me to have up to 100 birds for food production. If I want to sell them, I have to pay $130 (will probably go up) for a Gamebird Farm License. Just to raise quail and sell the eggs.

This is one primary reason we are looking hard at Texas.

Oh, and as to getting them in state... VERY difficult. Limited choices as to breed, and very limited numbers available. It really isn't worth driving 5 hours across the state to pick up 2 birds.

So the regulations don't so much hinder people from importing, so much as they hinder people from raising them at all.

If I didn't believe in obeying the law, even when it is inconvenient, I'd just order them, raise them quietly under cover, and say, "State regs be hanged".

Good news. I just found a place to get the forms!! I just e-mailed the state vet about the form. I guess I'm supposed to be able to get it from him. I also asked him some info about it as well. I'll post my results when he e-mails back so everyone knows about it. i sure hope he does send me a reply.
I wasn't able to find the email address - and I did look! Thanks!

I'll talk details with you when things get closer.

Ok, throwing this out there just to see if it catches anything...

I am a web developer - I have my own server for hosting, and build sites in systems that allow the owner to make changes to their own site. Is anyone interested in swapping health certified quail shipped to Wyoming for website services? (Website rebuild, Search Engine Optimization, Marketing Services, etc.) I'm an expert in my field, just Google "Laura Wheeler Medicine Bow" to find me.

Just had to see if it was an option!

Wow... what a headache!

The Wyoming state livestock board (which oversees the state vet's office) has NO knowledge of the forms needed for gamebirds. They ONLY have the requirements for poultry.

So I called Game and Fish. They said THEY didn't know, maybe I should talk to the permitting officer. Called her office - her secretary has NO knowledge of what I'm even talking about. And of course, the permitting officer is out of the office.

How in the world can a state run itself with regulations specifying that forms be filled out and then officers of the state act like they've never even HEARD of it?

On the other hand, the guy I spoke with on the Livestock Board was VERY helpful, had info on testing, etc.


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