Quail Issue Urgent


In the Brooder
Apr 30, 2024
My 4 week old Corturnix quail has been a bit odd the past weeks. His feathers have disappeared on the attached image and he has been wobbling and falling over forward unable to stand at times.
They have access to protein rich food, the odd treat and plenty of water and heat.
His skin is extremely warm to the touch and he has had vitamins to help boost him and recently has been slightly better but can't find any information anyway on what is going wrong. Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Is he being picked on by pen mates? Did he bonk his head? The inability to stand/stay upright could be neurological (brain/nerve problem) or whatever the bird equivalent of an inner ear is (vertigo). The question is is it injury (bashed his head while flushing), infectious (various viral or bacterial infections) or something else? Injury requires good nursing care for several weeks and he may improve. Infectious means you make sure the other birds are going to be okay before worrying about just this one, not saying you can’t treat him but make sure you take care of the flock before just one bird.
Is he being picked on by pen mates? Did he bonk his head? The inability to stand/stay upright could be neurological (brain/nerve problem) or whatever the bird equivalent of an inner ear is (vertigo). The question is is it injury (bashed his head while flushing), infectious (various viral or bacterial infections) or something else? Injury requires good nursing care for several weeks and he may improve. Infectious means you make sure the other birds are going to be okay before worrying about just this one, not saying you can’t treat him but make sure you take care of the flock before just one bird.
He isn't being picked on no and he may have bonked his head. We have been caring for him for a week giving him vitamins and ensuring he's eating and drinking and he does seem to be improving
What exactly, are you feeding it?
Is it eating, drinking, pooping?
What does the poop look like?
How many quail do you have, and are any others showing ANY symptoms?
Looking at its toes, it looks like its living situation isn't clean. Do the food and/or water have any droppings in them?
What kind of setup are they living in?
What exactly, are you feeding it?
Is it eating, drinking, pooping?
What does the poop look like?
How many quail do you have, and are any others showing ANY symptoms?
Looking at its toes, it looks like its living situation isn't clean. Do the food and/or water have any droppings in them?
What kind of setup are they living in?
He's on a mix of soft food with chick crumb but that's just because I need to buy some more turkey growers as I know they need protein. His poop is fine, and we have 4 quail total. His living situation gets cleaned everyday this was just a pre shot photo as I clean his feet daily as he steps as wobbles in poo more. They are currently still inside with a heater and live in a large rabbit run indoors with a sand pit and plenty of running room.
What exactly, are you feeding it?
Is it eating, drinking, pooping?
What does the poop look like?
How many quail do you have, and are any others showing ANY symptoms?
Looking at its toes, it looks like its living situation isn't clean. Do the food and/or water have any droppings in them?
What kind of setup are they living in?
If I notice poo in the water I clean it but it gets cleaned everyday regardless and their food dispenser is too high to get poo in but perfectly in reach off them
Also have been giving them fruit and veg every now and then as a treat but that's only recent
I would start by getting this chick onto a proper diet. Cut the treats and get them back on turkey starter as soon as you can. You might try some boiled, crushed egg yolk for this one.

Do you have any Nutri-Drench? That will give it a bit of an energy boost, but to be honest, wobbling and not being able to keep to its feet is not a good sign.

Based on this one, it looks like your birds are feathered enough to be able to take them off of the heat, especially since they're indoors.
I would start by getting this chick onto a proper diet. Cut the treats and get them back on turkey starter as soon as you can. You might try some boiled, crushed egg yolk for this one.

Do you have any Nutri-Drench? That will give it a bit of an energy boost, but to be honest, wobbling and not being able to keep to its feet is not a good sign.

Based on this one, it looks like your birds are feathered enough to be able to take them off of the heat, especially since they're indoors.
Ok thank you so much for the info

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