Quail with foot curled sideways?

The chick will eventually kick it off on its own. When attaching to foot stick the bottom of the chicks foot on the Duct tape first then fold over press then trim. Ive never had to do this more than twice because the duct tape is very adhesive. First time i did it i had son to assist but after the 3rd one i could do it alone.
I had a big hatch lately. I've had a dozen chicks with curved toes. They've all straightened within days. 4 had splayed legs, 2 was successfully corrected. The other 2 died. A couple had legs like yours. They could not be corrected and died.
One of my two quails had curled toes and couldn't walk well. I gave him a lot of vitamin B which i read on line could help, that I got from a local Chinese pharmacy, and everything worked out. I grounded it to their food and they just ate it

Not sure if that is the best way, but it worked for me :)

I was super worried for many days though :(
Are you sure it worked? If you did absolutelty nothing, there is a good chance that it would have also worked. I did nothing and the toes straightened. I think a lot of people are finding solutions to a non existant problem.

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