QuailGoobus has entered the forum


In the Brooder
Mar 14, 2025
Haven't joined an actual forum in over a decade, but I find myself on this site often enough I figured it was time!

I'm 35, live in Minnesota, and have wanted to keep chickens since I was a teenager. Well they don't allow chickens in my town, but they allow quail. So after we bought our house last fall I started looking for some quail to keep. I bought an incubator and found someone the next town over with coturnix quail eggs for hatching. Been a quail mama since shortly after the new year!

I have 23 quails right now, living in my living room. I have 7 hens, 6 roos, and 10 bebes I hatched from celadon eggs I bought off Amazon during the cold snap. The bebes have most of their feathers and will be leaving the brooder soon.

I keep my hens and my friendliest male in a large rabbit hutch I converted for them. They seem pretty happy and healthy! I keep the rest of my roos each in their own "bachelor pad" which are bird cages and converted guinea pig hutches, spread throughout my house so I don't have all of them crowing in one spot all day. I'm saving them so they can all get a chance to breed with my celadon hens, to keep genetic diversity. Then I will prepare them to eat, and start selectively breeding from the babies.

I'm gonna be putting my first group of eggs laid by my own hens in the incubator in the next couple of days. I got a larger brooder and this time I'm gonna see how many hatch from 42 eggs.

I have three cats- one 15 year old ginger named Porky, an almost 1 year old tortie girl named Nana who is the sweetest baby, and a similarly aged(but unrelated) shaded-buff boy cat named Bojangles. We have two german shepherds, one is an 8 year old dude named Guts and we also have his daughter, the prettiest "blonde" german shepherd I've ever seen named Picard(like the captain) who is about 2 years old. Oh and 3 guinea pigs(Big Mama, Zodd, and Burrito). Oh and two kids, and a super cool husband!

I play 6 instruments, paint, draw, write, read, crochet, and play videogames. I'm very interested in community building and plan on opening a childcare facility in the next few years in my town that operates somewhat like a school and community outreach center. I really want to leave the world a better place than I found it, and I believe bringing communities together is essential to combating most evils in the world.

But in the meantime, my kids are young, and I'm home a lot. I started keeping quails and have loved it so much, I just want to expand on that for now. Maybe eventually I'll sell eggs or hens or something. I am going to start my own selective breeding program. Right now my quails live in my living room but I plan to expand into my extra garage and, bird flu permitting, build a large outdoor aviary so my birbs can thrive.

I've been lurking on here for a while, getting a lot of answers to questions I had but others asked first. I made this account so I could add my own input from time to time. Y'all seem like wonderful people and I am excited to be a part of this community.

Attached is a picture of Picard, to prove how pretty she is

Thank you for reading!


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