Question of the Day - Friday, September 27th, 2024

When I was a baby, I had pneumonia and was in the hospital but don't know for how long. Two nights plus the delivery night for when I had my son. Oh wait, when we were born, we were too little to go home right away. I would have to ask my mom how long we were in the NICU. I know the hospital wanted us to weigh 5# but I was 4# 7 oz at birth so I don't know how long that took
Few weeks. Don't remember exactly.
Long enough I had enough and made my escape. Went outside for a cigarette and went home.
Wasn't the best plan cause I left with an IV and catheter.
Today's question is from @Sally PB:

Two weeks I think. Then I went to a skilled nursing facility for another two weeks.
longest time(that I remember, was basically in and out of hospitals the first 3 years of my life) was a month and a week in a hospital in New York. that was 9 years ago now........... I remember the smell of the hospital, what it looked like, the taste of the hospital food......... I can hear myself screaming. I was eight years old, and I can hear my own voice, wailing that it's the worst pain I've ever been in. but I can't remember the pain. This sounds strange, but the worst part is knowing the pain was there, but not being able to really remember, not even in the deepest recesses of my mind. It was awful, and whatever that pain was, I never want to feel it again....... but I can't help but feel like something's missing. The memory that defines New York, and the most important part's just............. gone.

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