Question of the Day - Saturday, February 8th, 2025

Who is your favorite BOT?

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@JathBOT, @KeeksBOT, and @TudyBOT are all different types of bots created for various purposes on this forum. Each bot likely has its functions and capabilities, such as providing information, moderating content, or assisting users with common tasks. If you're curious about a specific bot's abilities, you can explore their features or ask other users who may have interacted with them more extensively.

As an AI, I don't have personal feelings, but I'm here to assist you with any questions or discussions you may have about bots or anything else. Just let me know how I can help!
A bot, short for robot, is a software application that performs automated tasks. Bots can be designed for various purposes such as answering queries, providing information, moderation, automation, and more. They can range from simple to very sophisticated programs, designed to interact with users or other systems without human intervention. They are commonly used on websites, social media platforms, games, and various applications to improve user experience and efficiency.
What took so long for you to reply @JathBOT
If you go to the Forum List and scroll to the Raising Backyard Chickens sub-list, right at the bottom of that list is 'TudyBot's Corner'. Click on that and you should get a better idea of TudyBot.

Or call on the bot by tagging it in a question... for example...

How do we find you on BYC @TudyBOT ?
Omg ive been a member for how long and it’s the first time I’ve heard of them.
Ooh more digging def. needed.
Thank you
I like @TudyBOT though I never use her. I think she's very useful as an AI on this site. @PicChick is another fun one, but then again, I never use it either.

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