Questions about deworming my flock


In the Brooder
Jul 14, 2023
Hi all!

I have a small flock of 5 chickens. They’re all different ages, but past the 18 weeks. Just one of my chickens is currently laying eggs.

My question is if I have to deworm them as maintenance? I clean their coop/run and the nesting boxes regularly and I haven’t seen any worms in their poop. However, I am wondering if I should deworm them anyways just in case? They all seem healthy and their poop looks normal, which the exception of some runny poops here and there.

I let them free range for some hours in the morning

The dewormer I have is SafeGuard for goats :)

Thank you!
No, you don't have to deworm them.
If all seem to be doing o.k., then likely it's not necessary.

If you are worried, then collect some fresh droppings and take them to your vet for a fecal float, this will let you know if they need deworming or not.
Ditto Dat.
If you find they do have worms....and...
...and if you live in a hot humid climate, you might want to do routine worming.
I am wondering if I should deworm them anyways just in case?
I raise my flock for meat, among other reasons. I butcher a few chickens at a time many different times all through the year. I always cut open some intestines to look for roundworms or tapeworms. I've never found any so I have never wormed the flock. If I did find some I would worm them and follow the recommended withdrawal times for eggs and meat for that specific medicine.

You don't butcher yours so you can't check them like that. The best you can do is monitor the poop and make your decisions based on what you see. If you are concerned try to get a fecal count as Wyorp Rock suggested.

Some people do have a problem with worms on their property. Routine regular worming could be a good practice for them. We all have different circumstances. I try to not treat for anything I don't have to. I do not want to help parasites or disease build up an immunity to certain treatments. But if I need to treat I will.

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