Quiet geese


Nov 8, 2023
Hi! So I want to get geese next spring but I’ve heard they can be very loud. Is there any “quiet” goose breeds. Also I know they eat grass but I don’t have any grass in the run (just weeds). Is this something that can be replaced with other foods like vegetables or fruit. I can probably dig out a patch in the run to seed some grass but the weeds I have are very destructive and can take over quickly.

help would be appreciated!🙂
For years I had a large flock of American buffs. They were beautiful large birds and very peaceful for geese. Even with 15-20 they rarely made much noise and never once attacked, even when getting eggs.
For years I had a large flock of American buffs. They were beautiful large birds and very peaceful for geese. Even with 15-20 they rarely made much noise and never once attacked, even when getting eggs.
That’s great! I’ll look into that breed😃. Thank you.
My Emdens are fairly quiet. I have Emden and Roman crosses. I had one large female who would squawk here and there, and her daughter does this now. Mostly they're quiet, occasionally they'll get a rise out of something and make a bit of racket then it dies back down for a while, or the ganders are going at it while the hens are screaming at them happens a couple times a day.

But I Iive in the country so I can't say they'd be perfect in town. But a lot more quiet than some peoples dogs that I recall when I did live in the city.

I don't think you'll have much luck with the grass if you're not on an acreage. They'll destroy that pretty quickly. The may or may not eat or chew on the weeds. You can try to train them when they're young, but bring them small cuttings of what you have in the yard.

What you could do instead of putting down seed is grow fodder in trays, it's pretty easy. That will be more like a treat for them.
I’ll second that buffs are pretty quiet. I’ve only had one season with my buff geese, but the females are tolerant of intrusion on the nest and after several visits I not longer even get hissed at when lifting them to inspect the eggs. The male is also the first gander I’ve raised that babysits the nest and even assists in adding hay or fluffing it while the goose goes for water or something. Pretty cool birds
Buff American are the best for temperament in my experiences. You can also feed geese grass clipping from lawn mowing. Mine will also eat hay in the winter. Needs to be tender with lots of grass blades or leaves.

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