
I quit about 10 years ago, I know how hard it is. You have to have the mindset of an alcoholic. You can never pick up another one. Not even one. Or it is all over. Try sucking on Werthers Originals. They worked for me. Something about the flavor and smoothness of those candies did the trick. I popped one in my mouth every time I needed a cigarette. But you have to do it because you want to, not because you have to. And starting right this minute tell everyone, including yourself you are an ex-smoker. Do not tell yourself you are trying to quit, but that you have quit. If the urge to smoke starts in tell yourself I don't want to because I am not a smoker anymore. Keep trying and don't give up. You can do it.
rebecky1305 (quoted in part) : You have to have the mindset of an alcoholic. You can never pick up another one. Not even one. Do not tell yourself you are trying to quit, but that you have quit. ... If the urge to smoke starts in tell yourself I don't want to because I am not a smoker anymore.

Very well said. For any method to work, you must first have a true desire to quit, then the aids will help you over the hump. Otherwise, there is no magic cookie that will suddenly make you wake up and forget you ever smoked. Good luck to everybody who is still making the transition. All I can add is that I never wake up and regret becoming a non-smoker.​
Talked to my Dr about it, he's not for it, said studies he's read show patch w/lozenges effective without the risk of severe side effects. Years ago tried Wellbutrin... was great... I got to smoke more and guilt free! Obviously not what the doc intended for me!
I quit with the patch several years ago as well. I don't think I even used a whole box. I tried many many times before really stopping. What I had to do everytime I quit, was take a shower the night before, and put a fresh patch on. I had to have one on when sleeping, as I was one who would wake to smoke in the middle of the night. But they gave me terrible dreams. So I only had night patches for the first few days. It is so hard, I think when I finally quit for good was when I decided I was a nonsmoker. I feel it is really so much more mental than physical. at least for me it was. As even when the nicotine was out of my body... I still just wanted it sooo bad sometimes, especially when driving. I used tic tacs as my crutch for awhile. then I got the hand to mouth thing too. I wish you the best of luck, and you can do it!!!
That is great advice... because if you go on that you are 'trying to quit' you'll still be a smoker and you'll still be 'trying' for months! Honestly, I'm in that hole right now... I hate I smoke again so I say I am 'cutting back'. Oh goodness, that's so not true, as long as I light up I'm a smoker and a liar!
One has to be as tough on themselves as need be to get to the other side of the smokers journey... FREEDOM!
Funny, it is a mental crutch for me, I know that. Both times when I found out I was pregnant I quit right then and there, no problem. Of course I was barely out of the delivery room and I was asking for a cigarette... go figure.

Thanks all for the encouragement and for sharing your insights and thoughts, I really appreciate it. Since yesterday I've knitted myself crazy, have most of the back of my new sweater done... at this rate I could have my entire winter wardrobe done in a month! lol
I am on Chantix...March 7th I quit smoking...so about 5 1/2 weeks....no side effects works like magic but still have cravings once in a while....you have to have the mindset though....GOOD LUCK and no you can not have just one
After smoking heavily for 33 years, I painlessly laid the cigs down 2wks ago. I tried everything and I mean everything to quit. I told myself the last time that I would die before going through the torture of quitting again. I was addicted to the throat hit and the act of smoking itself as well as the nicotine. Upon the recommendation from my doctor I started researching E-Cigarettes AKA personal vaporizers. He nailed it. I knew from the first puff that I actually had a chance of quitting. The first couple of days I briefly thought about a cigarette in the morning with my coffee until I vaped a few minutes to curb the minor craving. Now lighting up is all but forgotten.

My breathing has vastly improved, blood pressure dropped, and I feel 1000% better. These things are a godsend for those of us that have an extremely hard time quitting. You can start out at the mg's of nicotine that you need and cut down at your own pace. In just two weeks I've gone from 36mg to 18mg with no side affects or cravings. They are not meant to be a smoking cessation device however, the success rate of folks quitting that switch to them is over 80%. They contain propylene glycol, flavoring, and nicotine, not the 4000 known carcinogens found in tobacco smoke. You can even work your way down to 0 nicotine.

I ordered 3 of these kits with extra batteries, juice and cartomizers. One for myself, the DW, and the oldest DD. None of us have had the cravings or irritability that usually comes from withdrawal in two weeks. A little costly up front(about $150.00ea.), but it won't take long to recoup the investment. If you decide to research and try this route, beware! There are alot of scams with e-cigs. Don't waste your time with the TV, store, or mall E-Cigs, they are junk. Invest in a good one.


I myself am now moving up to the "Go-go" model. I'm getting a little tired of handling something that resembles the size, feel of a real cigarette. It's all a personal choice and preference.

Good luck to anyone quitting!!!
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Chook, I'd never even given them a thought... I'll keep them in mind... had some slips this week... hadn't gone out to get the logenzes and couldn't figure out why the cravings were so tough. I looked closely at the patches I was using this morning they were over 14 months old, guess like everything else they lose potency w/age. Went out today and got new patches and logenzes. Figured as often as DH buys them (he uses them when traveling) that those laying around would be good. OH well, now it should be a little easier! On the bright side, my hands have been kept busy and the back of my sweater is nearly done!
I'm only 21, I NEED to quit. Problem is my dad is the only one that doesn't smoke and my family are really hard to live with. I'm gonna wait till I get more chickens and use them as a way to stay busy.

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