Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

Out of ovations
this will have to do for now
After a night and half a day alternating between crying and being so mad I wanted to hit someone until they felt as bad as I do, guess where I ended up? Right where I was yesterday morning - looking forward to her being home - getting into the cabinets, calling me a "bowl" (don't ask) and giggling at things I see every day and barely notice anymore. Yep...exactly nowhere different. And that's a mighty doggone good feeling, let me tell you!!

We did get some good news in today's summarizing appointment. First, they were stunned at the difference in the spinal x-rays from 8 months ago to now. Because she's walking more, bearing weight, and staying more upright for most of the time, her scoliosis is correcting itself. In fact, they said that the curve was now so negligible they can't really even call it scoliosis anymore, although they will continue to monitor it closely.

They also were happy with the fact that her hips are beginning to stabilize and that the twisting in her shin bones is beginning to straighten. Her shins have been so torqued since she was born that this was really good news! They are far from normal, but they are better than they've ever been, and we'll take that! Again, it's all the weight bearing she does now that is making the difference.

Her kidneys, bladder, ureters, bowels and colon are still sound and healthy, so they have given the go-ahead for her MACE procedure. They are looking to schedule it for either late June or mid-July, and will be finalizing the dates and times as soon as we can coordinate our timing with theirs. Since Jenny and I will have to stay in Denver for about 3 weeks after the surgery, we have a lot to juggle

I have a couple of other places to post this, too, so forgive me for copy and pasting to other threads. Not something I normally do, but this little doll has so many people pulling for her that I don't want to leave anyone out who may be wondering. And thanks for everything. I'm sorry I got so down - I'm usually the most upbeat person but this just knocked the wind right out of me - out of all of us, for that matter.
After a night and half a day alternating between crying and being so mad I wanted to hit someone until they felt as bad as I do, guess where I ended up? Right where I was yesterday morning - looking forward to her being home - getting into the cabinets, calling me a "bowl" (don't ask) and giggling at things I see every day and barely notice anymore. Yep...exactly nowhere different. And that's a mighty doggone good feeling, let me tell you!!

We did get some good news in today's summarizing appointment. First, they were stunned at the difference in the spinal x-rays from 8 months ago to now. Because she's walking more, bearing weight, and staying more upright for most of the time, her scoliosis is correcting itself. In fact, they said that the curve was now so negligible they can't really even call it scoliosis anymore, although they will continue to monitor it closely.
They also were happy with the fact that her hips are beginning to stabilize and that the twisting in her shin bones is beginning to straighten. Her shins have been so torqued since she was born that this was really good news! They are far from normal, but they are better than they've ever been, and we'll take that! Again, it's all the weight bearing she does now that is making the difference.

Her kidneys, bladder, ureters, bowels and colon are still sound and healthy, so they have given the go-ahead for her MACE procedure. They are looking to schedule it for either late June or mid-July, and will be finalizing the dates and times as soon as we can coordinate our timing with theirs. Since Jenny and I will have to stay in Denver for about 3 weeks after the surgery, we have a lot to juggle

I have a couple of other places to post this, too, so forgive me for copy and pasting to other threads. Not something I normally do, but this little doll has so many people pulling for her that I don't want to leave anyone out who may be wondering. And thanks for everything. I'm sorry I got so down - I'm usually the most upbeat person but this just knocked the wind right out of me - out of all of us, for that matter.
Glad to hear of her improvement. I will keep her in my thoughts. You never realize how important your health is until it's gone. We take things for granted sometimes. Hoping for the best. :fl Regards, Leaf Edited for grammar
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Thanks, everyone! She has quite the fan club, and I'm grateful for every member!! Couldn't have done the last two days without you and without the Good Lord reminding me to be patient - He just isn't done with her yet!

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