Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

Quote: Still here and still kicking
I've been neglecting my quotes family horribly lately, but I still pop in and (try to) catch up now and then!
Still here and still kicking
I've been neglecting my quotes family horribly lately, but I still pop in and (try to) catch up now and then!

Yes, you've been very neglectful you bad girl. But we'll forgive you as long as you pop in when you can
Quote: I know, Debby
I used to start my days here every morning, reading quotes and posting my own, but life got busy and I got distracted and stepped back from everything to get my head straight again. I still enjoy the quotes here, when I get round to reading them all.
I know, Debby
I used to start my days here every morning, reading quotes and posting my own, but life got busy and I got distracted and stepped back from everything to get my head straight again. I still enjoy the quotes here, when I get round to reading them all.

I know howl life can get and no worries, I was just messing with you. There's nothing wrong with your head, it's fine just the way it is.

Loves ya gal!
I know, Debby
I used to start my days here every morning, reading quotes and posting my own, but life got busy and I got distracted and stepped back from everything to get my head straight again. I still enjoy the quotes here, when I get round to reading them all.
a straight head is greatly overrated......especially in this world......

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