R.I.P Aspen😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Near the clouds⛅
Jan 20, 2024
The Woods AK
Hi all😭 my favorite brahma chick Aspen died today! I put a smaller cardboard box in their brooder and I think poor Aspen was smothered😵. I feel so awful! I've seen lots of people who put small boxes in there brooder with even more chicks than I have so I thought it'd be okay. Aspen was one of the bigger ones too!!! I feel so guilty😭 where'd I go wrong???? I just wanted to give them a nice comfy house to play in! Sorry I'm just so upset.
Hi all😭 my favorite brahma chick Aspen died today! I put a smaller cardboard box in their brooder and I think poor Aspen was smothered😵. I feel so awful! I've seen lots of people who put small boxes in there brooder with even more chicks than I have so I thought it'd be okay. Aspen was one of the bigger ones too!!! I feel so guilty😭 where'd I go wrong???? I just wanted to give them a nice comfy house to play in! Sorry I'm just so upset.
Hi all😭 my favorite brahma chick Aspen died today! I put a smaller cardboard box in their brooder and I think poor Aspen was smothered😵. I feel so awful! I've seen lots of people who put small boxes in there brooder with even more chicks than I have so I thought it'd be okay. Aspen was one of the bigger ones too!!! I feel so guilty😭 where'd I go wrong???? I just wanted to give them a nice comfy house to play in! Sorry I'm just so upset.
Oh no! :(
I’m so sorry. :hugsRest in peace sweet chick. Give yourself grace, it may not be your fault. Sometimes things happen with no explanation. And even if it was your fault somehow, allow yourself grace and forgiveness. You’re one of the most caring, kind and well meaning chicken tenders around, you meant well. I know it hurts 💔 sending you prayers and strength to heal.
I feel your pain Mamapoult. My favorite rooster pirate died a few weeks ago. He was soooo nice.:hit It will be okay! It's a learning experience. No one in this world is perfect. May Aspen rest in peace.

I’m sorry to hear. 😞❤️ It’s never easy losing one. Rest peacefully sweet roo.

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