R.I.P you crazy colonel


Aug 20, 2021
Seattle, WA
It's been a week since I had to get rid of my bird and I'm still super sad and I've been crying all week thinking of him so I thought I'd share his treats song and crazy personality.

A little back story, he was an accidental hatch. His mama, a cream legbar, hid her nest and hatched him, his brother, and his three sisters with our RIR rooster. I always thought he was the "oldest" for some reason. His sister flew into the neighbor's yard one day and while everyone stood by, he was the last one to leave her to go back to roost and he was the first one to run out the next morning to check on her. And I think he was the one who constantly checked on her. Thankfully she found her way back on her own. Whenever I gave them treats, he sang his little song in the video. It sounds similar to his Mama's feeding call when they were chicks. And he would give treats to his sisters first.

I also loved how goofy his skinny tail looked compared to his fat body. Unlike his sisters who were super flighty, he wasn't too afraid of me, and would always run toward me for treats. I would pick up each individual kernel of corn or sunflower seed from their scratch grains to feed them, mostly to distract them but I started to enjoy it, especially when they jumped for their treats.

He was a super proud bird and he seemed very happy. He would get to the highest point in my yard and crow at the top of his lungs. Sometimes when he was in front of his coop he would just stop, stand up tall, squint his eyes and slowly survey the place to make sure everything was okay. That's why I called him the colonel.

Unfortunately, his lively spirit was not for everyone. He would often pick fights with my other rooster, my smallest hen was afraid of him, and my neighbor was not a fan of his constant crowing, which happened every 15-30 seconds. Tbh it was starting to drive me nuts too but I loved him so I put up with it and I started to love the way it sounded but I understand why others couldn't. Our other rooster is a lot quieter so we were able to keep him.

After the colonel was gone, one of my other neighbors was asking around about him and when she found out he was ours she told us how much she and her kids loved his singing and she even said "bring our friend back", "get your bird back". I was almost in tears because it was too late.

My mom actually tried to slaughter him in March but I told her I like him so she brought him back. I didn't want to give him away but my brother's friend said he wanted him at first then later said his wife would just eat him. I tried crow collars and even thought about keeping him in our basement but I knew that wasn't feasible, especially because he was so loud, and it was no way for him to live because he loved his girls.

I never thought about this before but I hope there's a chicken heaven for him and that he's waiting for me when I can get there one day. :*(*** Even though our time together was short I enjoyed every day of it and his personality brought me so much joy. I'll just have to appreciate the birds I have now and remember how happy and well-fed he was.

Here's his singing when he found some treats and then he tries to fight our other rooster lol:
Aw what a beautiful and sweet boy he was. I loved your story honoring him. I know you cared for each other very much. My heart breaks for you. I'm tearing up now :hit
I had an accident roo once and I loved him very much but had to give him up. He's the avatar in my head.
Sending you hugs :hugs
Aw what a beautiful and sweet boy he was. I loved your story honoring him. I know you cared for each other very much. My heart breaks for you. I'm tearing up now :hit
I had an accident roo once and I loved him very much but had to give him up. He's the avatar in my head.
Sending you hugs :hugs
Thank you. :hugs That's a great idea. I'll make him my avatar.
I can feel your heavy heart. Im a single man taking care of 5 roosters , 4 chicks and 2 hens.

I have learned a lot from Chickens,such as patience, endurance, mediation, ..i have yet to learn to control ego and not sacrifice important things to satisfy the ego

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