Rain Barrel questions


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5 Years
Feb 21, 2014
Can I use ACV and goldfish or minniors @the same time in my rain Barrel that I use to water my Chickens? I want to keep out mosquitoes .I have it covered with a Screen
That fish poop and ammonia will not be good for the chickens. And fish will die in ACV. I would get a very fine window screen to keep out bugs
Thanks. I emptied my Rain Barrel last night and washed it out with ACV. Last night it rained so much it's running over and it's a 55gal food grade
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Mine is covered. Mosquitoes can't get in, and sunlight can't either. Mine will stay fresh all summer for the most part. I wouldn't add extra stuff in.
Won’t that hurt the chickens?
No. Not the tablespoon or so needed per forty gallons. Commercial operations use chlorine in the water for disease control, and several people on here use bleach as well. (I personally don't, but that's because I change the water every day.)

If you live in town, there's bleach in your water. Drives me nuts when I'm thirsty and the only available stuff tastes of chlorine, but people who actually live in town are used to it. Like iodine, it can also be used to purify water in survival situations.

http://www.bbchlor.com/PDF Files/Chlorination-For-Poultry-Water-Supplies-09.pdf

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