Randy Baby


Oct 19, 2023
West Coast of Florida
So...got a bonus chick with our hatchery order, figured out it was a buff cochin but wasn't sure if it was a pullet ot cockerel. Well yesterday when I put my hand inside the cage, it jumped onto it and started doing the rooster hustle. Pushed HIM off, he jumped on again which is when I gave him a thump on the chest and a sharp NO.
Did I mention that he's only 2 1/2 weeks old? Never had a baby do that before (he hasn't done it again, thankfully) and was quite shocked.
Any comments on this behavior? We are very hands on with raising our chicks and have loving hens from previous hatching and hatcheries.
Some boys are a bit precocious. I'd watch and see if he harasses his hatchmates. There's a slim possibility of females exhibiting mounting behavior for dominance too, but I'd be really surprised at it manifesting so early in a girl.

For what it's worth, the most problematic cockerel I've ever had had much bigger than normal testes, going by pictures online, and I assumed that contributed to too much testosterone and his faster than usual sexual behaviors.

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