Yesterday was the first and probly last cutting of the yard before the cold hit since the new septic was installed, so all new fresh grass and mulched leaved from the cutting where mostly leaves were dumped in the compost pile but the mostly new grass clippings mixed with leaves were dumped into the run since I dont have a truck to get any mulch for now, had 6 piles in the run by 6pm last night and this morning when I went out they had it all leveled out throughout the run....amazing ! Anyways Im hoping this keeps them from walking in the mud until I can get some more double ground hardwood in there to keep the little feet dry over the winter. So far I filled the water drum, fresh litter on the floor ( which Ill add more in a couple weeks here for the depth and added warmth. Closed the window, and soon Ill be shutting off the outside water and turning on the inside water to keep from freezing. The girls seem happy, still spitting out eggs ( although 1 or 2 are still hiding eggs in a corner of the coop grrrrrrr !