Reality of keeping a Rooster and other questions

Or sell the kids :)
I've got rugrats ranging in age from crawling to teens. I also have free range chickens with anywhere from 3 to 15 roosters at a time. I think I've had 50--100 roosters by now, definitely 100 if you count cockerels sold at a few weeks or months old, which I don't. I have never had an issue with kids and roosters, but I do agree that especially new chicken keepers should think twice about keeping a rooster and be prepared to kill it at the very first sign of aggression.
Are you new to animals in general? If you are, I definitely would urge you to have caution. It takes a while to learn the appropriate body language to keep them gentle and safe. Took me 1--2 years and a ruined cockerel to figure it out, despite being no stranger to livestock.

Stuff like this is hard to give an answer to, only opinions... you gotta do what you think is best. I happen to think roosters are great and wouldn't have a flock without one. Or five.
Well I suppose my question was whether I would be able to get away with it with the no crow collar, just sassing out options. I just meant if the Rooster theoretically didn’t make enough noise to upset the neighbours then I’d be happy to take the risk with the local council - my parents have always had more dogs than they are allowed with no problems. I’m on good terms with my neighbours and wouldn’t keep the rooster if it was going to bother them anyway - that’s more important to me than some blanket city rule.

Anyway it’s clear keeping a rooster is not a good option for us on a number of fronts. I’m glad I came here to ask before making a decision
I've got rugrats ranging in age from crawling to teens. I also have free range chickens with anywhere from 3 to 15 roosters at a time. I think I've had 50--100 roosters by now, definitely 100 if you count cockerels sold at a few weeks or months old, which I don't. I have never had an issue with kids and roosters, but I do agree that especially new chicken keepers should think twice about keeping a rooster and be prepared to kill it at the very first sign of aggression.
Are you new to animals in general? If you are, I definitely would urge you to have caution. It takes a while to learn the appropriate body language to keep them gentle and safe. Took me 1--2 years and a ruined cockerel to figure it out, despite being no stranger to livestock.

Stuff like this is hard to give an answer to, only opinions... you gotta do what you think is best. I happen to think roosters are great and wouldn't have a flock without one. Or five.

Yes we’re new to chickens, grew up with lots of cats and dogs but I’m not sure that is any help with chickens
Welcome! I love having roosters in my flock, and have had some awful ones in the past. they went into the crockpot!
I also think that you will do best without one at this stage, for several reasons;
It's illegal where you live.
You have toddlers.
You won't recognize early aggressive behaviors in your cockerel.
It's illegal where you live.
Your children could get severely injured.
I’d be happy to take the risk with the local council - my parents have always had more dogs than they are allowed with no problems.
Roosters might be a different story, keeping one illegally could result in fines, loss of entire flock, and/or rescinding the allowance of having any poultry in your area.

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