It's newish, our previous roo was crowing 24/7 so we rehomed him, and Sprinkles took over right away but it was only during the day (and it wasnt as loud because he was just learning to crow, at first just thought it was top hen behaviour before he was roo Confirmed)
If only crowing in the early morning bugs you, shut him up in a dark nest box at night, so he cannot get out and let him out in the AM.
Early morning is not bad, most neighbours are up at that time to get ready for work (4am) but the rest of the day is quite frustrating. Roosters crow in the morning, fact. If he is up way earlier, I make sure all lights are off and he is quite for a few more hours. I'm trying to gather some funds to get a big dog house we can modify as a small night coop (and maybe a little solar powered fan because our climate is maddeningly hot sometimes, but they have permanent shade and sun patches if they want). I just worry that chasing him around to box him will stress him and just make him more vocal. Right now they have a roof sort of thing and an open planter box for laying (in the shade because it's hot here)
It's newish, our previous roo was crowing 24/7 so we rehomed him, and Sprinkles took over right away but it was only during the day (and it wasnt as loud because he was just learning to crow, at first just thought it was top hen behaviour before he was roo Confirmed)
I wonder if there are predators lurking that may be beyond your sight or senses that upset the males?
Early morning is not bad, most neighbours are up at that time to get ready for work (4am) but the rest of the day is quite frustrating. Roosters crow in the morning, fact. If he is up way earlier, I make sure all lights are off and he is quite for a few more hours. I'm trying to gather some funds to get a big dog house we can modify as a small night coop (and maybe a little solar powered fan because our climate is maddeningly hot sometimes, but they have permanent shade and sun patches if they want). I just worry that chasing him around to box him will stress him and just make him more vocal. Right now they have a roof sort of thing and an open planter box for laying (in the shade because it's hot here)

If you hang the dog house in a high spot, he would learn to keep there on his own after about a week or two, if he can watch the girls from there.

The carrot thingie? It would probably only hold for a few days.

I would wait to see if he becomes more quite in a few months and in the meantime, make sure there's complete darkness during the night.

I would assume most neighbours work during the day so it is less of a problem.

As other people have mentioned, do. look for hidden predators that he may be sensing.

If your neighbours have cocks too, they are likely to never complain out of fear that their cocks would be complained over too, even if they're nicer and know how to shut up.

It is possible to order a "no crow collar" from USA and receive it in the mail.

I'm afraid if he stays loud you're probably going to have to rehom him or make a soup out of him, if there's a village nearby you can also drop him at someone's farm.
I know chickens are really smart but is actually trying to get me to "cock fight" him😅 like a verbal fist fight?
I don't think so. Does he attack you during thee day? If not he doesn't see you as a rival. I think maybe he just sees you as the giver of goodies.

Best of luck. One of my roosters just likes the sound of his own voice and will holler all day for seemingly no reason.
We had a BJG rooster we had named Elvis for his striking good looks before we knew he was a prolific singer, but it sure suited him! Fortunately we live in the back of beyond and enjoyed his crowing so it was never a problem.

just worry that chasing him around to box him will stress him and just make him more vocal
Don't chase him. Wait till he goes to roost, then pluck him off it like a ripe apple and put him where you want him.

village nearby you can also drop him at someone's farm.
Please don't! He'll either become somebody else's problem or die a terrible death. A dog or other predator could get him, he could get run over by a car, or become a target of somebody's ire which I will leave to your imagination. Better to dispatch him humanely yourself. Dumping an animal is cruel and irresponsible.
Update to @everyone in the thread:

I have hung a carrot in the tree and he has been dead quiet since. Not afraid of it, not Interested either. Just quiet. Did I solve it with the Carrot of Silence? Does he know we plotting his demise/rehoming? I don't know but the silence is sweet.

So off topic but can you post a picture of this guy? 😅 so curious to see the mad man, the crowing legend himself

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