reason 1 not to get a white duck

I love my white ducks.....muddyness and all :thumbsup  Mine must be prissy though because they rarely ever have mud on them.....unless they trip getting out of the pool and facce plant in it....even then they will get up and get back into the pool! This is how they normally look 99%of the time :) nice pearly white, chubby girls

You are lucky if your duck always look that clean.
Take a look at this one and she isn't even white.
To me its the same as with my kids, if you aren't covered in mud and muck at the end of the day then it wasn't a good day. I used to have a pic of my kids standing near my Pekins and everyone looks like the losers in a mud wrestling tournament, but for whatever reason I can't find it. Mud is fun especially for white ducks and kids in their new outfits.
Awww, we know you love your dirty little duck, just the way we love ours. I think it's fascinating to watch how they stick their bills in the mud and rapidly "chew", who else but a duck could find so much goodness in something we distain!
Awww, we know you love your dirty little duck, just the way we love ours. I think it's fascinating to watch how they stick their bills in the mud and rapidly "chew", who else but a duck could find so much goodness in something we distain!
or how they suck in water realllll fast and spit it out through the sides of their bills.
yeah yeah yeah..I love my dirty little ducks...AND added bonus...the male ducks chases things, the 2 original hens he ignores, the 2 babies, well, he sees them as he chases them...he's convinced the jerk babies that I'm a good person they can run to when they are scared. Makes me happy they at least pretend to like me.

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