Reasons NOT to use sand in a chicken coop or run


Sunshine Flock

Sep 27, 2017
Northern California
This is my first year raising chickens, but I wasn't hatched from an egg yesterday.

From my months of research, I've learned that lots of folks love sand in the coop or run. For the same reason I don't use clay kitty litter, I refuse to use sand: it's not compostable, and it has a carbon footprint.

And sand can harbor disease. There are different kinds of sand. The news stories I've come across over the years were specific to playground sand. A courser sand is recommended for coops, but my instincts tell me there's still a legitimate concern.

Also, sand is VERY heavy. You may only swap it out once or twice a year, but then what? You have to roll a heavy wheelbarrow somewhere and dump it or take the sand to the landfill, as I've read one blogger does. Some say it's safe to wash it and reuse.

Voila! An eco-friendly litter!!

I say a big nope to that, and here's why: water is a valuable resource. If you're a homesteader on an actual homestead, or a city dwelling homesteader, expending a resource to maintain chicken litter is wasteful. And think about the sand's point of origin and what was involved crushing raw material and delivering it to your local yard supply outfit.

Don't take from below the earth; use what's already on the surface!

It's my guess chicken folks are also veggie garden folks, so raising chickens shouldn't be just about the meat and eggs. They also give us beautiful compost, and even in a small backyard that compost is easy to create and, with the deep litter method, virtually odor free.

Just say no to sand, folks, and put those birds to work!!
This is my first year raising chickens, but I wasn't hatched from an egg yesterday.

From my months of research, I've learned that lots of folks love sand in the coop or run. For the same reason I don't use clay kitty litter, I refuse to use sand: it's not compostable, and it has a carbon footprint.

And sand can harbor disease. There are different kinds of sand. The news stories I've come across over the years were specific to playground sand. A courser sand is recommended for coops, but my instincts tell me there's still a legitimate concern.

Also, sand is VERY heavy. You may only swap it out once or twice a year, but then what? You have to roll a heavy wheelbarrow somewhere and dump it or take the sand to the landfill, as I've read one blogger does. Some say it's safe to wash it and reuse.

Voila! An eco-friendly litter!!

I say a big nope to that, and here's why: water is a valuable resource. If you're a homesteader on an actual homestead, or a city dwelling homesteader, expending a resource to maintain chicken litter is wasteful. And think about the sand's point of origin and what was involved crushing raw material and delivering it to your local yard supply outfit.

Don't take from below the earth; use what's already on the surface!

It's my guess chicken folks are also veggie garden folks, so raising chickens shouldn't be just about the meat and eggs. They also give us beautiful compost, and even in a small backyard that compost is easy to create and, with the deep litter method, virtually odor free.

Just say no to sand, folks, and put those birds to work!!
I like deep litter too. Sand's nice for brooders, but didn't work for adult birds when I tried it.
I know this is somewhat of a controversial topic. I've even seen angry comments online in defense of both stances.

But I posted this on the off chance I can help sway someone to use pine shavings or local mulch, or even leaves and pine needles from their own neighborhood or yard.

Happy chickening, folks, no matter which method you choose!!
After trying a few other methods I found river/ tube sand to be the easiest on me and my bantams. It’s quick to clean, their feet stay tidy and exfoliated, dried herbs last forever once mixed in, they love to dust bathe in the sunny spot by the hatch, and it should never really need to be replaced, only topped off. I could see why it wouldn’t work for everyone, and it has its problems, but I’ll keep on scooping the big old litter box every week until my birds tell me they hate their little private indoor beach.

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